Hare's Nest Stitchery ~Little Fimble Fowls Booklet~kit
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Curated pack of treasures to make a first book for a Little one!
Pattern/Curated Kit includes :
- Pre printed pages ....no two identical
- plus an extra print for an optional bag to hold the book
- Coloured pictures and technique instructions
- Linen
- weaveline stabiliser
- scraps of threads
- Liberty prints, odds and ends...ideas!
No two packs are identical!
Extra Requirements: not included Firm interlining to stiffen page...this could be bag lining, scraps of canvas etc Scraps of assorted Stranded Cottons
Hare’s Nest Stitchery patterns are by Brenda Ryan and Jo Maxwell.
We also stock felt and Cottage Garden Threads
Cottage Garden Thread pack suggestions Ak24 Gulliver: Ak27 Byron Ak26